Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Important Annoucements

1) This Thursday got OCSE briefing at 12.30pm to 1pm in Dewan Chancellor by Mr Syed Imran. Must attend o. Please help spread this news like H1N1.

2) Management class entitled :" Market Management" on 29th (Tues) has been shifted to 28th (Monday) to make way for OSCE examination.

3) Anyone who hasn't pass up their management peer assessment form please pass to AAD asap.


DaVIdnG said...

kin man... are u sure?? no such class on 29th wor.. and 28th is full...

iC3_sHiN said...

david, you didn't check the latest timetable..
there is a replacement class on 29th initially, now shifted to monday...BUT what time, kin man?

Kin Man said...

Its after Team Dynamics workshop

DaVIdnG said...

ooopsss.. i am outdated.. lol... sorry..

iC3_sHiN said...


Kin Man said...

Yup, 4.30pm

Siew Li said...

We are learning how to make dynamite?

I can't remember if I had passed up the form, but since its not with me...well...^^

Happy Raya Break guys!