Monday, July 27, 2009

Did You Know

Although it has nothing to do with pharmacy, lots of ideas were generated throughout the presentation and this is where creativity comes into play.

"For students starting a 4 year technical degree, this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study" (3.42')


Kin Man said...

I like especially the last part..haha..

Ellen said...

so wat does it all mean? lol. i was expecting the answer.

DaVIdnG said...

nice one KC...

wai han said...

50 million audiences in 2 years for Facebook.. Walaoeh, this is amazing..

anitha said...

i like the illegal song downloading part !!

Peggy 佩琪 said...

i like the video~~ is nice~

彦霓::yen-nee said...

I like every part of this video!

Esp the highest IQ kids in India part.


Nice one!