Saturday, January 16, 2010

*smiles* know..i'm so proud of this batch. each time i see one..doing things together, and enjoying together, makes me many batches in the world can actually do that? all 107 (omg!! B107 has 107 of us! how cool's that!) of us! even classes of 20 couldn't even stay united/close/hang out. go around, ask your friends, and realize what a great batch we are!

wan ling and wei ping, thanks for planning the whole thing. organizing and initiating. it was a great event. a great idea. and we all had an awesome night! right???!! =) hee! all thanks to both of you, really.

kean ping, thanks for helping with the games. "who wants to be the bpharm smart-ass" was awesome. really. i was impressed. it's damn good! =)

pang tsen, thanks for organizing the performances. it was good!!

chun wei and all the guys that helped...thanks for carrying the food up..and down. =)

natalie, thanks for being the awesome faithful reliable photographer!! =) we love you!

elyn, pang tsen, ah ben, kah loong, wai han, wan ling, huey chin, melissa, khai xhuen, nicole, jeffrey, great performances! it's not just bout how skillful you are (no doubt you guys are good..seriously!), it's bout how spotting you are to perform for us, and we enjoyed it! =)

teck long, thanks for being the IT man! your productions were great! =) thanks for all the efforts and late nights! =)

kin man, thanks for the song!!!!! you should compose another! you have potential. =) we missed your presence.. are an awesome emcee!!! seriously!!! i personally look up to you on that! and my german friend said you were damn good. =)

ling wei! the most helpful. and you still are. =) thanks for making the slideshow and the gifts aka awards. was so sweet of you. i'm sure it wasn't easy..but your help is always appreciated. =)

all the guys...thanks for setting up the place! what would we do without those masculines! =)

did i miss out anyone? =) hope not!!

anyway, i had a great night. i couldn't help but smile to see the joy and unity in the faces of each of us. i'm so proud of this batch. and i'm sure many of us are. even the lecturers. =) we certainly grew in this batch, and it's just..touching. =)

and my german friend thought it was a really great night too. every single thing bout it. now, this IS something to be proud of. =)

let us continue this journey, together, as one. =)

did i mention how proud i am bout this batch? =)


  1. Aww...sooo sweet! =) *hug* >.<

  2. yeah weii.. awww... its rili nice of u jann.. to say that.. n yes.. we will continue to grow as a batch.. =)

  3. thanks janning for helping me to say wat i wanna say.. lol....... Thanks ppl... :P B107 rocks

  4. this is wut we call b107!!!! great 11111

  5. such a touching post!!thanks for the compliment!!btw, thanks for helping us to cater the food too.yeah,nothing gonna change my luv for you all, B107!!!hahaha:P b107 is AWESOME!!!!!:)

  6. *hugs* I love you guys too :)
    I think the reason why the lecturers love us so much, apart from us being awesome heheh, is because we're such a close knit batch, different from the other batches :)

  7. aiyak..Closet Half Full itu saya :)

  8. though my name is not there, I still feel so SO LOVED...
    Thanks, Janning! :)

    You are soooOoOOo sweet!

    Erherm, if I choi choi kena diabetes I will come find you oh!


    I love B107!

  9. a very well posted entry here....sweetness brimming in my heart :)

  10. Thanks jann.. i think what you said about our batch is honestly spoken for truth..

    We're all together in this never ending journey.. and I think i speak on behalf of every1 when i say i'm really glad to be part of this journey with the whole of B107

    Love you people ! =)

  11. this is lovely post!!
    Jann..u =have just said everything in the mind of all B107 stud now!!!!

    thanx for the lovely post =)
