Saturday, December 12, 2009

Some annoucements from SRC

Dear all,

Here are a few quick announcements!

1. New printers have arrived! You can collect your personal pin number for the printer from MPH 6 or you can ask the IT Department where to collect it from. These printers are outsourced (to outsource means to obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out.) and because it is a MYR 2 million ringgit project meant for both BJ and Seremban it had taken a while to get everything settled. I will be emailing soon about what students can get from the printers and the official pricing of printing.

2. There are now two more PCs in the Student Lounge for students to use. Just a reminder: please switch off the PC once you are done and no one else is using it. Please make sure that even the switches are off because otherwise they are left on overnight and it is a waste of electricity.

3. We are working on fixing the gym equipment with the assistance of the Gym Club and SSD. We hope students can be slightly patient with us on this as we need to evaluate which equipment is not working and then get it fixed.

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